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Op deze pagina vindt u informatie over podcasts, blogs, evenementen en andere relevante interessante dingen die worden uitgevoerd of georganiseerd door Ierse fans van strips, tv-shows, films en meer. Lees hieronder alles over hen en als ze klinken alsof ze jouw type zijn, ga dan zeker op hun links klikken en lees, luister of bekijk ze.

Twee Ierse Superfans verkennen de volledige 80-jarige erfenis van de Man of Steel met leuke retrospectieven over alles wat met Superman te maken heeft, inclusief films, strips, televisie, videogames, animatie en zelfs de radioshow uit de jaren 40!

We laten geen middel onbeproefd terwijl we het blijvende icoon Superman vieren!


Podcast is beschikbaar op Apple, Google, Spotify, Podbean en Sound Cloud


Gast informatie:

Alan Burke

Alan heeft een uitgebreide kennis en passie voor stripboekliteratuur en de geschiedenis en erfenis van Superman in het bijzonder.

Alan is een fervent verzamelaar van strip- en filmmemorabilia en gelooft dat iconische stripfiguren, zoals Superman, het equivalent zijn van de moderne mythologie.

Rob O Connor

Overdag is Rob O'Connor een tv-producent die in Ierland aan een aantal succesvolle series werkt.

'S Nachts houdt Rob zijn horizon verbreed met een vast dieet van tienerdrama's uit de jaren 90, videogames en superheldenstrips.


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De one-stop-shop voor recensies, nieuws en interviews met 'We Love Movies' van Spin 1038, met presentator Andy McCarroll.


Met afleveringen van het vlaggenschip "Extra Vision". Waar gasten wordt gevraagd "Welke 3 films zou je kiezen als je nog een laatste keer in Xtra-Vision zou kunnen rondlopen"


Extra-Vision heeft een aantal A-lijstgasten. Van Peter Capaldi, Jon Bernthal, Barry Keoghan, Salma Hayek, Al Foran, Robert Kirkland en Declan Shalvey.


  De one-stop-shop voor filmrecensies, nieuws en interviews.


Het 501st Legion is een volledig vrijwillige, non-profit internationale Star Wars-kostuumclub die tot doel heeft geld in te zamelen voor goede doelen, gemeenschapsevenementen te ondersteunen en de franchise te promoten door middel van optredens die hun leden maken in kostuums die alle tijdperken van de Star Wars Saga vertegenwoordigen .

Het Legion, opgericht in augustus 1997 door Albin Johnson en Tom Crews, heeft nu meer dan 13.000 actieve leden wereldwijd, met meer dan 26.000 goedgekeurde kostuums.

Het Legioen is actief op 6 continenten, met lokale eenheden die bekend staan als "garnizoenen" en "buitenposten" in meer dan 60 landen. Garrison-leden werken in hun gebied of land om die lokale identiteit te creëren en teamwerk binnen die gemeenschappen aan te moedigen.
Het lid van het 501st Legion onderzoekt, bouwt, maakt en maakt hun eigen kostuums, in hun eigen tijd en kosten om op evenementen te verschijnen.

Leden worden aangemoedigd om te streven naar het hoogste niveau van schermnauwkeurigheid en realisme om de karakters van het Star Wars-universum tot leven te brengen.
Als zodanig zou het gemakkelijk zijn om het 501st Legion aan te merken als een cosplaygroep, maar in werkelijkheid zijn we een 'kostuumclub'; waar nauwkeurigheid en toewijding voor het maken van de meest authentieke kostuums net zo belangrijk zijn voor onze leden als het inzamelen van geld voor de goede doelen die we steunen.

Naast het bijwonen van grotere nationale en internationale evenementen, is onze belangrijkste doelstelling ook om iets terug te geven aan de gemeenschappen waarin we leven door middel van liefdadigheidsfondsenwerving bij de evenementen die we bijwonen - groot of klein.


Kom meer te weten over het geweldige liefdadigheidswerk en de optredens die ze in Ierland maken. Of misschien lid worden van de Dark Side en iets goeds doen.

Wilt u weten hoe u contact met hen kunt opnemen over een optreden in uw regio?  Klik op Vader voor alle details.


Sure Look, Sure Listen is een wekelijkse populaire cultuurpodcast die wordt gehost door twee zeer professionele communicators uit Dublin, Ierland. Elke maandagochtend, net op tijd voor je eerste woon-werkverkeer van de week, praten Mick en Ben een uur lang over het laatste nieuws in de wereld van genre-tv, films, boeken, games en strips. Regelmatige functies omvatten diepe duiken in onderwerpen als mythologie, kosmische horror, goed gedragen stijlfiguren en representaties van Iersheid in de popcultuur.


Mick Leonard is mede-presentator en redacteur van Sure Look, Sure Listen en mede-oprichter van Seomra Beag Productions. In zijn hart is hij een klassieke nerd, opgegroeid met Marvel Comics, Star Trek en actiefiguren. Hij houdt van sci-fi, gigantische robots, kosmische horror en ruimteschepen. Mick schrijft ook bijna al deze beschrijvingen.


Ben Collopy is een beruchte leugenaar, twijfelaar en medeoprichter van Seomra Beag, die toevallig mede-presentator is van Sure Look, Sure Listen. Ben klassiek geschoold in de kunsten, houdt van interessant lijnenwerk, sterke thema's, overvloedige archetypen en een paar tropen. Hij houdt ook van Batman. Het is onwaarschijnlijk dat Ben deze beschrijving ooit zal lezen.


Je kunt hun zachte tonen vinden via de volgende links...


@listensure op twitter

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On the slab horrorshow is een wekelijkse show waar drie horrorfans vertellen over hun favoriete horrorfilms, acteurs, regisseurs en zelfs concepten voor films.

Geen experts, alleen fans die de mening van de fans geven, en een beetje geklets tussendoor.

momenteel beschikbaar op YouTube, maar binnenkort op audioformaten zoals Spotify.

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KingWoes Court is een podcast gewijd aan de gepassioneerde en zeer getalenteerde Ierse Heavy Metal-scene. Allerlei Ierse bands zijn op de show geweest en zelfs enkele grotere artiesten. Een goed gesprek is gegarandeerd als je naar Carl en zijn gasten luistert over ervaringen van de weg, opnames en zelfs optredens....The Court is in session!

Beschikbaar op Youtube, Anchor, Spotify, Apple podcasts...




This one is self explanatory. Click on the image for all the details

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Daniel Fee is an Irish YouTuber who enjoys talking about himself in the third person.

He owns the ICN Award Winning YouTube Channel, Daniel Fee33!

Where he reviews comics, and conducts interviews!


He’s done over 70 interviews, and he’s interviewed a variety of guests, from actors, screenwriters, comic book writers, and more!

He’s interviewed comic book creators such as Grant Morrison, Chip Zdarsky, Jeff Lemire, Matt Fraction, Jason Aaron, Gerry Conway, Declan Shalvey, Frank Quitely, Brian Bolland, and more.


Here’s what some of these creators think of Daniel


“Remarkable” -Grant Morrison


“Daniel Fee is the real deal. A thoughtful and funny interviewer with an intense knowledge of the medium” -Chris Condon


“Some Chancer” -Nick Roche


“he appreciates the medium, is refreshingly uncynical, and prepares with a work ethic well beyond his years.” -Ethan Sacks


“The world of comics is better place for having him in it.” -Jake Lynch


“evil chessmaster” -Rob Williams


“He is very cool and funny and has lots of friends and he is awesome” -Daniel Fee


So do yourself a favour…. Well favour is a strong word, but that’s not the point! Go subscribe for interviews, reviews, and more!



STAR WARS returns for the May The 4th Sci-Fi film Festival  taking place  in Portmagee and Valentia Island on the Skellig Coast from May 4th to the 6th. More will be revealed about the programme and the various events over the coming days and weeks but get those dates in the diary, register online and join us, in person to celebrate all things Star Wars and Sci-Fi movie wise. Meet the 501st and REEL ICONS too as they patrol the area as the Empire and as characters from movies, tv and comics


Find out more at


And stay up to date with announcements at 










#maythe4thbewithyoufestival #Maythe4thbewithyou #may4th #skelligcoast #portmagee #valencia #wildatlanticway



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Reel Icons is a Division of the 501st legion Ireland covering all aspects of heroes and villains characters that are not Star Wars related.


They make appearances for charity and events and the like.


Want them to appear at an event?

Contact them via their Instagram page at




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Listen to Scared Sh!tless with Gordon Hayden on Spotify. Scared Sh!tless is a horror movies podcast presented by Irish film critic Gordon Hayden from the hell pit that is his, erm, toilet!?!? Each week Gordon interviews horror icons about their careers in the genre along with speaking to film academics and critics about the enduring appeal of horror movies.




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A celebration and exhibition of all things from Comics to Movies, Toys to Pop Culture. Fun for all the family.

It's a FREE entry event happening on Sunday July 3rd as part of Edenderry Festival Family Fun Day.
It will take place in a venue on JKL Street, Edenderry, County Offaly from 11am til 5pm.

10am-11am will be for visitors with additional needs and with reduced noise. 


Check out the FB page for more. Click the button below to bring you to it.

Heroes and Villains Ireland. An online toy and comic store based in Dublin, Ireland. We sell items from Star Wars, Transformers, Marvel, DC, Neca, Mcfarlane toys, Hot Toys, Funko, Image Comics, Model kits and more. Find us at

© 2021 Helden en schurken Ierland. 

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Alle karakters en geregistreerde handelsmerken zijn copyright van hun respectievelijke eigenaren.

Heroes and Villains form comics, tv shows, movies and games like Thanos, Buffy , Deadpool, Pinhead, jason Voorhees, Loki, Robocop, gremlins, Mandalorian, GI Joe, Transformers, Justice League

Dublin Comic Con is a big fun family friendly event and day out in the heart of Dublin city. People come from all around Ireland to the Comic Con. Cosplay is encouraged with props and characters costumes but real weapons are forbidden. You will find comics, toys, artwork, gaming and more at it.
there is parking in the sub basement of the Convention Centre. We could bang on about it but see for yourself as it now takes place twice a year. Why not get that special some one a ticket for Christmas or their birthday


 Heroes and villains can post and deliver to all irish towns , areas and counties including Abbeydorne yAbbeyfeale Abbeyknockmoy Abbeylara Abbeyleix Abbeyshrule Abbeyside Achill Sound (Gob a' Choire)Achonry Aclare Adamstown (Dublin)Adamstown (Wexford) Adare Adrigole Affane Aghaboe Aghabullogue Aghada Aghamore Agher Aglish Ahakista Annacurra Ahascragh Aherla Ahiohill Allen Allenwood Allihies Anglesboro Annacotty Annagassan Annagry (Anagaire) Annamoe Annascaul Annestown Annyalla Ardagh (Limerick) Ardagh (Longford)Ardara Ardcroney Ardee Ardfert Ardfield Ardgroom Ardmore Ardpatrick Ardrahan Ardsallis Arigna Arklow Arless Artane Arthurstown Arvagh Asdee Ashbourne Ashford Askeaton Askill Athboy Athea Athenry Athgarvan Athlacca Athleague Athlone Athy Attymass Attymon Aughagower Aughleam (Eachléim)Aughrim (Galway) Aughrim (Wicklow)Avoca


Bagenalstown (Muine Bheag)Bailieborough Balbriggan Baldoyle Balgriffin Balla Ballaghaderreen Ballaghmore Balally Ballickmoyler Ballina (Mayo)Ballina (Tipperary)Ballinaclash Ballinacurra Ballinadee BallinagarBallinagh Ballinaglera Ballinagree Ballinakill Ballinalee Ballinamore Ballinascarty Ballinasloe Ballincollig Ballindaggin Ballinderreen Ballindine Ballindooley Ballinea Ballineen and Enniskean Ballingarry (Limerick) Ballingarry (Tipperary) Ballingeary (Béal Átha an Ghaorthaidh)Ballingurteen Ballinhassig Ballinkillin Ballinlough Ballinode Ballinroad Ballinrobe Ballinskelligs (Baile an Sceilg)Ballinspittle Ballinteer Ballintemple Ballintra Ballintober (Roscommon)Ballintogher Ballintubber (Mayo)Ballitore Ballivor Ballon Ballsbridge Ballybay Ballybeggan Ballyboden Ballybofey Ballybough Ballybrack Ballybrittas Ballybrophy Ballybunion Ballycanew Ballycarney Ballycastle Ballycolla Ballyconnell BallyconneelyBallycotton Ballycroy Ballycullane Ballycumber Ballydavid (Baile na nGall)Ballydehob Ballydesmond Ballyduff (Kerry)Ballyduff (Waterford) Ballyduff (Wexford)Ballyedmond BallyfarnanBallyfermot Ballyferriter (Baile an Fheirtéaraigh)Ballyfin Ballyforan Ballygarrett Ballygarvan Ballygawley Ballyhack Ballyhaise Ballyhale Ballyhaunis Ballyhea Ballyheigue Ballyhide Ballyhuppahane Ballyjamesduff Ballykeeran Ballyknockan Ballylanders Ballylaneen Ballyleague Ballylickey Ballyliffin Ballylongford Ballylooby Ballylinan Ballymacward Ballymagauran Ballymahon Ballymakeera (Baile Mhic Íre)Ballymascanla nBallymoe Ballymore (Cork)Ballymore (Westmeath)Ballymore Eustace Ballymote Ballymount Ballymun Ballymurphy Ballynacally Ballynacargy Ballynacregga Ballynahinch Ballynahown (Baile na hAbhann)Ballynanty Ballyogan Ballyporeen Ballyragget Ballyroan Ballysadare Ballysaggart Ballyshannon Ballysloe Ballyvary Ballyvaughan Ballyvourney (Baile Bhuirne)Ballywilliam Balscadden Baltimore Baltinglass Banagher Bandon Bangor Erris Bannow Bansha Banteer Bantry Barefield Barleycove Barna (Bearna)Barnane Barndarrig Barrowhouse Bartlemy Batterstown Bawnboy Bayside Bealadangan (Béal a' Daingin)Bective Bekan Belcarra Belclare Belderrig (Béal Deirg) Belfield Belgooly Bellanagare Bellanamullia Bellavary Bellewstown Belmullet (Béal an Mhuirthead) Belturbet Belvelly Bennettsbridge Bettystown Binghamstown Birdhill Birr Bishopstown Blacklion Blackpool Blackrock (Dublin)Blackrock (Dundalk)Blackrock (Cork) Blackwater Blanchardstown Blarney Blennerville Blessington Blue Ball Boherbue Bohola Bonniconllon Boolavogue Booterstown BorrisBorris-in-Ossory Borrisokane BreeBorrisoleigh Boston Bouladuff Boyerstown BoyleBracknagh Brandon (Cé Bhréannain)Bray Breaffy Brickens Bridgend Bridgetown Brittas Broadford (Clare)Broadford (Limerick)Broadstone Broadway Brosna (Kerry)Brosna (Offaly)Bruckless Bruff Buckode Bullaun Bunacurry (Bun a' Churraigh)Bunbeg Buncrana Bunclody Bundoran Bunmahon Bunnanadden Bunratty Burnfoot Burtonport (Ailt an Chorráin) Butlersbridge Buttevant

Cabinteely Cabra Cadamstown Caherconlish Caherdaniel (Cathair Dónall)Cahersiveen Cahir Cahiracon Callan Caltra Calverstown Camp Campile Camus Canningstown Cappagh Cappamore Cappawhite Caragh Carlingford Carlow Carnaross Carndonagh Carran Carraroe (an Cheathrú Rua)Carrick Carrickbeg Carrickmacross Carrickmines Carrick-on-Shannon Carrick-on-Suir Carrigadrohid Carrigaholt Carrigaline Carrigallen Carriganima Carrigans Carrigart (Carraig Airt) Carrigeen Carrigtwohill Carrowteige (Ceathrú Thaidhg)Cashel Casla Castlebaldwin Castlebar Castlebellingham Castleblakeney Castleblayney Castlebridge Castlecomer Castleconnell Castlecove Castledaly Castledermot Castlefin Castlegregory Castlehill Castleiney Castleisland Castlejordan Castleknock Castlelyons Castlemaine Castlemartyr Castleplunket Castlepollard Castlerea Castleshane (Monaghan)Castletown (Laois) Castletownbere Castletown-Geoghegan Castletown-Kilpatrick Castletown-Kinneigh Castletownroche Castletownshend Castletroy Causeway Cavan Celbridge Chapelizod Chapeltown Charlestown Charleville (Ráth Luirc) Cheekpoint Cherrywood ChurchHill Churchtown (Cork) Churchtown (Dublin) Cill Ghallagáin Citywest Claddaghduff Clane Clara (Offaly)Clarecastle Clareen Claregalway (Baile Chláir)Claremorris Clarina Clashmore Cleariestown Cleggan Clifden Clogh Cloghan (Donegal) Cloghan (Offaly) Cloghane (an Clochán)Clogheen Clogherhead Cloghroe Clohamon Clonaghadoo Clonakilty Clonbur (an Fhairche)Clondalkin Clondrohid Clonegal Clones Clonfert Clonlara Clonliffe Clonmacnoise Clonmany Clonmel Clonmellon Clonmore (Carlow) Clonmore (Tipperary)Clonony Clonoulty Clonroche Clonsilla Clonskeagh Clontarf Clontibret Cloonacool Cloonbonniffe Cloondara Cloone Cloonfad Cloonfush Cloughduv Clough Jordan Clounanaha Cloyne Coachford CobhCoill Dubh Colehill Collinstown Collon Collooney Cong Conna Convoy Coolafancy Coolaney Coolboy Coolderry Coolgreany Coolkenno Coolmine Coolock Coolrain Coonagh Cooraclare Cootehall Cootehill Corduff Cork Corlough Cornafulla Cornamona (Corr na Móna) Cornelscourt Corofin (Clare) Corofin (Galway)Corroy Courtmacsherry Courtown Craanford Cranford Cratloe Craughwell Crecora Cree Creeslough Cregganbaun Creggs Crettyard Croagh Croghan Crolly Croithlí Crookhaven Crookstown (Cork)Crookstown (Kildare )Croom Cross Crossabeg Crossbarry Crossdoney Crosshaven Crossmolina Crumlin Coolea (Cúil Aodha) Culdaff Cullen (Cork)Cullen (Tipperary) Cullenstow nCullohill Curracloe Curraghboy Currans Currow Cushina Cushinstown

Daingean Dalkey Daly's Cross Dartry Deansgrange Delphi Delvin Derrew Derrinturn Derrybeg (Doirí Beaga)Derrybrien Derrynane Dingle (Daingean Uí Chúis)Dolla Dollymount Dolphin's Barn Donabate Donaghmede Donaghmore Donegal Doneraile Donnybrook Donnycarney Doochary (an Dúchoraidh)Dooega (Dumha Éige)Doohoma DoolinDoon (Limerick)Doon (Offaly)Doonaha Doonbeg Dooniver (Dún Ibhir)Douglas Downings (Na Dúnaibh)Dowra Drimnagh Drimoleague Dripsey Drinagh Drogheda Dromahair Dromahane Dromcolliher Dromineer Dromiskin Dromod Dromore WestDrum (Monaghan)Drum (Roscommon)Drumcliff Drumcondra Drumkeeran Drumlish Drummin Drumraney Drumshanbo Drumsna Duagh Dualla Dublin Duhallow Duleek Dunboyne Duncannon Duncormick Dundalk Dunderrow Dundrum (Dublin) Dundrum (Tipperary) Dunfanaghy Dungarvan (Waterford)Dungarvan (Kilkenny) Dungloe (an Clochán Liath)Dungourney Dunkineely Dún Laoghaire Dunlavin Dunleer Dunmanway Dunmore Dunmore EastDunquin (Dún Chaoin)Dunshaughlin Durrow (Laois)Durrow (Offaly)Durrus Dysart (Roscommon)Dysart (Westmeath) Dartry

Eadestown Easky East Wall Edenderry Edgeworthstown (Mostrim)Effin Elphin Emly Emo Emyvale Enfield Ennis Enniscrone Enniscorthy Enniskerry Ennistymon ErrewErrill Eyeries Eyrecourt

Fahamore Fahan Falcarragh (an Fál Carrach) Fallmore Fanore Farranfore Feakle Fedamore Fenagh (Leitrim) Feenagh (Limerick)Fennagh (Carlow)Feohanagh (an Fheothanach)Ferbane Fenit Fermoy Ferns Fethard Fethard-on-Sea Fiddown Firies Finglas FinneaFintown (Baile na Finne)Finuge Firhouse Flagmount Fossa Foulkesmill Fountainstown Foxford Foxrock Foynes Frenchpark Freshford Frosses Furbo

Galbally Galmoy Galway Garrafrauns Garrienderk Garristown Garryspillane Geesala Geevagh Glandore Glangevlin Glanmire Glanworth Glasheen Glaslough Glasnevin Glassan Glasthule Glen Glenamaddy Glenageary Glenamoy Glenbrook Glencolmcille (Gleann Cholm Cille)Glencullen Gleneely Glenealy Glenfarne Glengad Glengarriff Glenhest Glenties GlinGlinsk, County Galway Glinsk, County Mayo Glounthaune Gneeveguilla Goatstown Golden Goleen Goresbridge Gorey Gormanston Gort Gortahork (Gort a' Choirce) Gorteen Gortnahoe Gortnavern Gougane Barra Goulane Gowran Graiguenamanagh Granard Grange (Sligo)Grange (Tipperary) Grange (Waterford)Grangecon Grangemockler Greenan Greencastle Greenore Grenagh Greystones Gurteen Gurranabraher Gweedore (Gaoth Dobhair)

Hacketstown Halfway Harold's Cross Headford Herbertstown  Hollyford Horseleap Hollyfort Hollymount Hollywood Holycross Horse and Jockey Hospital Howth Hugginstown Hurlers Cross

Inagh Inch (Clare)Inch (Wexford)Inistioge Innishannon Inniskeen Inver (Donegal) Inver (Mayo)Inverin (Indreabhán)Irishtown (Dublin)Irishtown (Mayo)Islandeady Ivarstown Inchicore

Jamestown Jenkinstown (Kilkenny) Jenkinstown (Louth)Johnstown (Kildare)Johnstown (Kilkenny)Johnstown (Meath)Johnstown Bridge Julianstown

Kanturk Keadue Kealkill Keel Keenagh Kells Kenmare Kerrykeel Keshcarrigan Kilbarrack Kilbaha Kilbeggan Kilbeheny Kilberry Kilbricken Kilbrin Kilbrittain Kilcar (Cill Charthaigh)Kilclooney Kilcock Kilcogy Kilcolgan Kilconly Kilcoole Kilconnell Kilcormac Kilcorney Kilcrohane Kilcullane Kilcullen Kilcurl Kildangan Kildare Kildavin Kildimo Kildorrery Kildysart Kilfenora Kilfinane Kilflynn Kilgarvan Kilglass Kilkea Kilkee Kilkelly Kilkenny Kilkerrin Kilkieran (Cill Chiaráin) Kill (Kildare) Killadysert Killala Killaloe Killanne Killarga Killarney Killashee Killavullen Killea, County Donegal Killea, County Tipperary Killeigh Killenaule Killeshandra Killeshin Kilmainhamwood Killimordaly Killinaspick Killiney Killinierin Killorglin Kilrossanty Killucan Killurin Killybegs Kilmacanogue Kilmacduagh Kilmacow Kilmacthomas Kilmaine Kilmaley Kilmallock Kilmead Kilmeaden Kilmeage Kilmeedy Kilmeena Kilmessan Kilmichael Kilmihil Kilmore Kilmore QuayKilmoyley Kilmuckridge Kilnaboy Kilnaleck Kilnamartyra (Cill na Martra) Kilpedder Kilquade Kilrane Kilronan (Cill Rónáin)Kilrush Kilshanchoe Kilshanny Kilskeer Kiltale Kiltartan Kiltealy Kilteel Kilteely Kiltegan Kilternan Kiltimagh Kiltormer Kiltyclogher Kilumney Kilworth Kincasslagh (Cionn Caslach)Kingscourt Kinlough Kinnegad Kinnitty Kinsale Kinsealy Kinvara Knightstown Knock (Clare)Knock (Mayo)Knockbridge Knockaderry Knockadalteen Knocknahur Knockananna Knockanore Knockcroghery Knocklyon Knocknagoshel Knocknagree Knockraha Knocktopher

Labasheeda Lackagh Lacken Laghy Lahardane Lahinch Lanesborough Laragh (Cavan)Laragh (Wicklow)Largydonnell Lattin Lawrencetown Laytown Leabgarrow Leap Lecanvey Lecarrow Leenaun Leighlinbridge Leitrim Leixlip Lemybrien Letterfrack Letterkenny Lettermacaward (Leitir Mhic a' Bhaird) Lettermore (Leitir Móir)Lettermullen (Leitir Mealláin)LiffordLimerickLiscannorLiscarrollLisdoonvarnaLisgooldLismireLismoreLispole (Lios Póil)Lisronagh Lisryan Lisselton Lissycasey Listowel Littleton Lixnaw Lombardstown Longford Longwood Lorrha Loughanure (Loch an Iúir)Loughglinn Loughlinstown Loughmore Loughrea Loughshinny Louisburgh Louth Lucan Lullymore Lusk Lyre

Maam Cross Macroom Magheraroarty (Machaire Rabhartaigh) Mahon Bridge Mahoonagh Malahide Malin Mallow Manorhamilton Marlfield Maum Mayfield Maynooth MayoMeelick (Clare) Meelick (Mayo)Meelin Meenagolan Menlo Menlough Merrion Midfield Co. Mayo Midleton Milestone Milford (Cork)Milford (Donegal) Millstreet Milltown (Dublin)Milltown (Galway)Milltown (Kerry)Milltown (Kildare) Milltownpass Milltown Malbay Minane Bridge Mitchelstown Moate Mohill Monageer Monaghan Monamolin Monaseed Monasteraden Monasterevin Moneenroe Moneygall Monkstown (Cork)Monkstown (Dublin)Montenotte Montpelier Mooncoin Moone Mothel Mountbellew Mountcharles Mountcollins Mountmellick Mountnugent Mountrath Mountshannon Mount Merrion Mount Temple Moville Moycarke yMoycullen (Maigh Cuilinn) Moydow Moygownagh Moylough Moynalty Moyvane Moyvoughly Muff Mulhuddart Mulhussey Mullagh (Cavan )Mullagh (Clare)Mullaghmore Mullinahone Mullinavat Mullingar Mulranny Multyfarnham Murroe Murrooghtoohy Murrintown Murrisk Myrtleville Myshall

Naas Nad Narin Narraghmore Naul Navan Neale Nenagh Newbawn New Birmingham Newbliss Newbridge (Galway)Newbridge (Kildare) Newcastle (Dublin)Newcastle (Wicklow)Newcastle West Newcestown New Inn (Galway)New Inn (Laois)New Inn (Tipperary)Newmarket Newmarket-on-Fergus Newport New Ross Newtown (Laois) Newtown (Tipperary)Newtowncashel Newtowncunningham Newtownforbes Newtowngore Newtownmountkennedy Ninemilehouse Nobber Nohoval North WallNurney (Carlow) Nurney (Kildare)

O'Briensbridge O'Callaghans Mills Ogonnelloe Oilgate Old Leighlin Oldcastle Oldtown (Dublin)Old Town (Roscommon)Omeath Ongar Oola Oranmore Oughterard Oulart Ovens Owenbeg Oxmantown Oysterhaven

Palatine Pallasgreen Pallaskenry Palmerstown Parteen Partry Passage East Passage West Patrickswell Paulstown Perrystown Pettigo Piltown Pollagh Pontoon Portacloy Portarlington Portlaoise Portlaw Portmagee Portmarnock Portnablagh Portrane Portroe Portumna Poulaphouca Poulpeasty Prosperous Puckane Pullathomas

Quigley's Point Quilty Quin

Rahara Raharney Raheen (Laois)Raheen (Limerick)Raheen (Wexford)Raheny Ramelton Ranelagh Rannafast (Rann na Feirste)Raphoe Rathangan (Kildare)Rathangan (Wexford)Rathcabbin Rathcarran (Ráth Cairn)Rathcoffey Rathconrath Rathcoole Rathcormac Rathdowney Rathdrum RathFarnham Rathgar Rathgormack Rathkeale Rathmines Rathmolyon Rathmore Rathmullan Rathnaconeen Rathnew Rathnure Rathowen Rathvilly Ratoath Rearcross Recess Redcastle Redcross Redhouse Redhills (Cavan)Rerrin RenmoreRing (An Rinn)Ringaskiddy Ringsend Riverchapel Riverquarter Riverstick Riverstown (Sligo) Riverstown (Tipperary/Offaly)Robertstown Rochfortbridge Rochestown Rockchapel Rockbrook Rockcorry Rockmills Rolestown Roosky Rosbercon Roscommon Roscrea Rosegreen Rosemount Rosenallis Roslevan Rosmuc Rossaveel (Ros a' Mhíl) Rosscarbery Rosses Point Rossinver Rosslare Harbour Rosslare Strand Rossnowlagh Rossport (Ros Dumhach)Roundstone Roundwood Royal Oak Ruan Rush Rushbrooke Rylane Rialto

Saggart Salia (Sáile)Sallins Sallybrook Sallynoggin Salthill Saltmills Sandpit Sandycove Sandyford Sandymount Santry Scarnagh Scariff Scartaglen Scraggane Schull Scotshouse Scotstown Screeb Shammer Shanagarry Shanahoe Shanagolden Shandonagh Shanbally Shanballymor eShankill Shannonbridge Shannon Harbour Shannon Sheean Shercock Sheriff Street Shinrone Shrove Shrule  Silvermines Sixmilebridge Skehana Skerries Skibbereen Skreen Skryne Slane Sligo Smithborough Sneem Sooey Spanish PointSpiddal (an Spidéal)SpinkSt JohnstonSt Mullin's Stamullen Staplestown Stepaside Stillorgan Stonetown Stoneybatter Stradbally (Laois)Strade Stradone Straffan Stranorlar Stratford-on-Slaney Streamstown Strokestown Summerhill Suncroft Sutton Swanlinbar Swinford Swords

Tacumshane Taghmaconnell Taghmon Taghshinny Tallaght Tallow Tang Tarbert Tarmonbarry Tassan Teelin (Teileann)Templeglantine Templemore Templeogue Templenoe Terenure Termon Termonfeckin Terryglass The Glen The Harrow The Rower The Swan Thomastown Thurles Ticknock Timahoe Timoleague Timolin Tinahely Tinryland Tinure Tipperary TivoliTogher, Cork Toomevara Touraneena Toorlestraun Toormakeady (Tuar Mhic Éadaigh)Tower Tragumna Tralee Tramore Trim Tuam Tuamgraney Tournafulla Tubber (Clare)Tubber (Galway)Tubber (Offaly)Tubberclare Tubbercurry TullaTullaghan Tullahought Tullamore Tullow Tullyallen Tulrahan Tulsk Turloughmore Two-Mile Borris Tydavnet Tynagh Tyrrellspass

Union Hall Upperchurch Upton Urlingford Urris

Valleymount Ventry (Ceann Trá) Vicarstown Villierstown Virginia

Walkinstown Walsh Island Watch House Village Waterfall Waterford Watergrasshill Waterville Wellingtonbridge Wellpark Westport Wexford Whitechurch Whitegate (Clare)Whitegate (Cork)Wicklow Wilkinstown Williamstown Wilton Windgap Windy Arbour Woodenbridge Woodford Woodlawn Whitehall

Yellow Furze Youghal

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